exFAT, NTFS, Mount Windows Shares

Pi 64-bit

  • The system already has ntfs-3g installed, but I’ve failed to get mounted and working NTFS formatted USB drive
  • For exFat is still the same
sudo apt install exfat-fuse
sudo apt install exfatprogs

To mount Windows shared directory:

sudo mount -t cifs //ip_address/share_name /home/$USER/local_directory -o username=win_user,password=win_pswd,uid=local_user,gid=local_group

Without UID & GID, the directory has been mounted as read-only. To get UID and GID just run two cammands:

id -u username
# and
id -g username

Resourse: Raspberry Pi exFAT: Adding Support for exFAT File System – Pi My Life Up

Raspberry Pi 4 Overclocking

Did not run any benchmarks, but it seems to run faster. Better use a special case with active (preferred) or passive cooling (in my case, the system was unstable at 2GHz)

So, run editor:

sudo nano /boot/config.txt

Pi 32-bit: find [pi4] and add after for 2GHz (64-bit Buster: there is a line #arm_freq=800):


