Install pgAdmin 4 on Debian Buster

Make sure you have the latest version of pip

python3 -m pip install --upgrade pip

Create the virtual environment

python3 -m venv pgadmin4

I like the idea to use local sub-directories vs global ones

cd ~/pgadmin4
mkdir var
mkdir var/storage
mkdir var/sessions

Activate the virtual environment (to install or later to use)

source /home/pi/pgadmin4/bin/activate
pip install pgadmin4

Optional (“Install simple-websocket for improved performance”)

pip install simple-websocket

Create the configuration file for your virtual environment

nano /home/pi/pgadmin4/lib/python3.7/site-packages/

Add default e-mail, password, change the paths

PGADMIN_DEFAULT_EMAIL     = 'e-mail address'
PGADMIN_DEFAULT_PASSWORD  = 'password 7+ chars long'
LOG_FILE                  = '/home/pi/pgadmin4/var/log'
SQLITE_PATH               = '/home/pi/pgadmin4/var/pgadmin4.db'
SESSION_DB_PATH           = '/home/pi/pgadmin4/var/sessions'
STORAGE_DIR               = '/home/pi/pgadmin4/var/storage'

Let’s go


To use any tools, go to File/Preferences and set up Binary Path

Done, deactivate the virtual environment

Well, probably, it’s time to test everything

Go to PostgreSQL Sample Database, download the sample, and try to restore it…
– first you need to create database. name doesn’t matter
– the .tar archive should be in /home/pi/pgadmin4/var/storage/your-email-at-login
– DONE? Now it’s time for break


How to install pgAdmin4 on Raspberry Pi 4 Raspbian 10 Buster howto guide
pgAdmin 4 (Python), official site

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